K. P .Radhakrishnan, Secretary, Bharatya Technician, Satisfur
Festival Director, Dr. V Bindu, Principal Bharatia Technician School, Potor
Shri Vijian Panathur, Chairman of Festival, - ICFFK -
Executive Director, Painter S Nair,Principal, Bharatya Technician, Catty
Smaller Joseph General Co Auditor, -ICFFK - | IFFT | Technician | Sandless|
International Children's Film Festival of Kerala 2023
( Children's International Film Festival September 8,9,10 Satisfy )
The International Film Festival of Children is jointly organized by the Bharatya Technician, who focuses on values in the field of education and the IFFT - Film Center and beyond the group.September 8,9,10 75 of the three venues in Satisfy, will showcasing ten thousand films
The children's film festival is organized in collaboration with the NFDC, the Kerala Film Academy, the FFSI and the Film Cultural Coalition.
Movies based on environmental, climate change, rural development, future burdens, cultural diversity, human rights and coexistence are invited to the International Children's Film Festival of Kerala ( ICFFK ).Short-documentary films below 10 minutes and feature / documentary films above 60 minutes will be considered. Movies should be submited within August 10th.
7 awards have been made for the best short-docue films of children. Price Money of Rs 100,000 is fixed. Hrisva - Children from 13 to 18 years of age - Prize for documentary films ( less than 10 minutes ) 10 minutes <TAG1> & 10 minutes 10, 18 years of age, Feature over 60 minutes - Best film in documentary movies, second best film, child artist, sculpture, price bell and certificate.
As part of the International Film Festival of Children, a Mybile Film Making Workshop is held at the Housing Satisfaction Center in Tiethyyyas, July 8,9, for students. The mobile filmmaking workshop is designed by RP Amudan, a leading filmmaker and curator. Interested people contact this phone number 9539484661, 9349738497.,9496168654 seats.